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What is the source of "China core" of Ferrotec(Ningxia)?Semiconductor?Technology?Co.,Ltd.’ production resumption

    In the national semiconductor integrated circuit industry, Ningxia Yinhe Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., located in Yinchuan economic and Technological Development Zone, accounts for half of the country.

    Novel coronavirus pneumonia is the most important factor for the new crown pneumonia epidemic. "Usually 3 months or more, the smart industry chain and hard core epidemic prevention are the foundation for our new crown pneumonia epidemic. "Hao Yuzhou, the company's head, said that during the outbreak, the company's production machinery had not stopped.

    In the factories with more than 700 people on weekdays, even during the epidemic, more than 600 employees stick to the production line. At the time of the outbreak, silver and semiconductors had been preparing raw materials for more than three months. "Due to the particularity of production, our raw materials are shipped in directly from the port. "Haoyuzhou said that in response to the Spring Festival holiday, the company early imported raw materials from Tianjin port and transported them to Yinchuan.

    For a long time, semiconductor wafer technology has been monopolized by the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries. The continuous and stable production of large silicon wafers for silver and semiconductor integrated circuits can meet the domestic demand for 8-inch and 12 inch semiconductor single crystal silicon wafers in the semiconductor integrated circuit industry, automobile, computer, consumer electronics, communication, industry, medical and other industries, reduce China's import dependence on high-quality semiconductor silicon wafers, stabilize the supply of high-quality semiconductor silicon wafers, and significantly reduce costs And increase industrial competitiveness to meet the urgent needs of China's integrated circuit industry for silicon substrate basic materials.

    Due to the special technology, the production line of large silicon wafer of integrated circuit can not be stopped, and the machine can not be stopped. What should I do? How to prevent the epidemic for nearly 700 people? "Our production line is basically mechanized, with only a few people in a large workshop. Human resources are mainly at the back end of the industrial chain. "Haoyuzhou said that the company has customized a complete set of epidemic prevention measures.

    As early as January 21, the company measured the temperature of all people entering the factory and required to wear masks. All employees eat in batches and time intervals, and take temperature three times a day. The company has also set up a temporary isolation area, which is equipped with sufficient disinfectant and spraying equipment. The isolation personnel are required to disinfect the area three times a day by themselves. "Experts from Japan and South Korea are also strictly segregated according to relevant policies. "Haoyuzhou said.

    Haoyuzhou believes that the enterprise has been firmly holding the autonomy in its own hands. Many customers are impressed by the rapid response to the epidemic, "crisis is also an opportunity, see if you can seize it.". Through R & D and industrialization of high-quality semiconductor silicon wafers, the company has built an internationally advanced large-scale semiconductor silicon wafer industrialization, innovation research and development base.

    It is reported that the second phase of silver and semiconductor integrated circuit large silicon wafer project has reached full production this year, which can achieve an annual output of 4.2 million 8-inch and 2.4 million 12 inch semiconductor monocrystalline silicon wafers.